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Corporate Communication
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What is corporate communication?


Corporate communication refers to all communicative activities and processes carried out by a company, both internally within the organization and externally in relation to customers, suppliers, competitors, and the public. This communication is typically divided into three main areas:

  1. Internal organizational communication: This encompasses communication within the company among employees and various departments and hierarchies. Its purpose is to exchange information, coordinate workflows, and promote internal collaboration.

  2. External marketing communication: This involves the company's communication with its customers, potential customers, and competitors. The goal is to promote products and services, maintain customer relationships, and strengthen the company's position in the market.

  3. External public communication: This area focuses on the company's representation and presence in the public domain. It includes communication with the media, investors, political interest groups, and the general population. The aim here is to shape and maintain the company's image, build trust, and establish credibility.

Overall, corporate communication plays a crucial role in creating and maintaining a positive image, fostering collaboration within the company, and enhancing success in the market. It is an integral part of corporate management and contributes to effectively conveying the goals and messages of a company.


The term "corporate communication" has its origins in the development of communication practices and management within organizations. The term emerged during the 20th century in parallel with the evolution of corporate structures and the growing need to organize and professionalize communication processes within companies.

In the early stages of corporate growth and industrialization, communication and information exchange within companies were often informal and conducted orally or through simple written means. As companies grew in size and complexity and as new technologies and media emerged, the need for structured and professional corporate communication became increasingly evident.

The term "corporate communication" was recognized as a specialized field within management and organizational development during the 1960s and 1970s. Over time, specialized departments or areas for corporate communication developed within larger companies. This development reflected the increasing importance of communication within companies, whether for promoting products and services, coordinating internally, or managing crises and challenges.

Today, corporate communication is an established field in the corporate world, dealing with various aspects of communication within and on behalf of companies, ranging from PR and marketing to internal communication and crisis communication. It plays a vital role in business strategy and management, contributing to shaping and safeguarding a company's image, reputation, and success.


  • Business communication
  • Organizational communication
  • Corporate messaging

Further Interesting Facts

Development of Technology

With the development of digital technology, corporate communication has also changed drastically. New communication channels such as emails, social media, and video conferencing tools have become indispensable instruments for both internal and external communication.

Crisis Communication

Crisis communication is a critical area of corporate communication, dealing with communicating effectively in crisis situations to minimize damage to the company. Good crisis communication can restore trust in a company and help protect its reputation.

Employer Branding

Internal communication also plays an essential role in building the employer brand (Employer Branding). A positive work environment and transparent communication can help attract and retain talented employees.

Target Audience Analysis

Effective corporate communication requires precise knowledge of the target groups. Companies need to understand how their target groups think and feel to create messages that resonate.

Integrated Communication

To avoid inconsistencies and confusion, many companies adopt integrated communication strategies to ensure that their messages are consistent across all channels.

Measurement and Analysis

Measuring the effectiveness of corporate communication is essential. Companies use various metrics and analysis tools to evaluate and adjust the success of their communication strategies.

Ethics and Compliance

Ethics and compliance in corporate communication are crucial. Unethical behavior and disregard for legal provisions can have severe consequences for a company.


Globalization requires companies to communicate with diverse cultures and markets. Therefore, intercultural communication competence is of great importance.

Customer Loyalty

Good external communication is essential for building customer loyalty. Transparent and authentic communication can strengthen customers’ trust.


Storytelling is an effective method in corporate communication. It allows companies to establish emotional connections with their target audiences and convey complex messages understandably.

Regulatory Requirements

Companies also have to deal with the legal framework and regulatory requirements regarding corporate communication, e.g., data protection laws and regulations.

Education and Further Training

The importance of corporate communication has led to the development of degree programs and further education opportunities in this field. Employees and executives are trained in the methods and best practices of corporate communication.

In summary, corporate communication is a multifaceted and layered field that requires strategic planning, understanding of various communication channels and technologies, clear goal setting, and continuous optimization.