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Das Wort Communication vor lila Hintergrund

What is communication?


The word "communication" refers to the process by which information, thoughts, ideas, or feelings are exchanged between a sender and a receiver. This exchange can occur verbally, non-verbally, in writing, or visually and serves the purpose of conveying messages with the goal of creating understanding or achieving an impact. Communication is a fundamental aspect of human life and plays a crucial role in various social, professional, and personal contexts. It encompasses both spoken words and the use of symbols, gestures, writing, images, and other media to convey information and build relationships. Effective communication requires not only the transmission of information but also the understanding and interpretation of the received messages.


The word "communication" originates from the Latin word "communicare," which means "to share," "to make common," or "to connect." In its original meaning, it referred to the act of sharing or making information, thoughts, or ideas common among people. The Latin word "communicare" itself is derived from "communis," which means "common" or "public."

The use of the term "communication" in its modern sense has evolved over time and now encompasses a broader range of activities and media used for information exchange. This includes spoken language, written communication, as well as the use of digital media and technologies.

The origin of the term "communication" in the Latin "communicare" reflects the fundamental nature of human interaction and information exchange, which has been significant since ancient times and has continued to evolve throughout history.


  • Transmission
  • Dialogue
  • Conversing
  • Transmittance

Additional Interesting Facts

Functions of Communication

Communication serves various functions, including the exchange of information, expression of opinions, articulation of feelings and needs, control and regulation of behavior, and the establishment of relationships. These functions are vital in different contexts and influence how individuals, groups, and organizations interact and cooperate.

Elements of Communication

The classic elements of communication include the sender, message, medium, receiver, and feedback. The sender conveys a message through a medium to the receiver, who subsequently provides feedback. These elements interact with each other and affect the effectiveness of communication.

Communication Models

There are several models describing the communication process, including the linear model, the interactive model, and the transactional model. These models consider various aspects and dimensions of communication and assist in understanding the complexity of the communication process.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication involves the exchange of information, feelings, or thoughts without words. It can be through body language, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, posture, and tone of voice. Nonverbal signals can reinforce, contradict, or modify verbal messages and are crucial for understanding human interactions.

Intercultural Communication

Due to cultural differences, the mode of communication can vary. Intercultural communication explores how people from different cultures transmit and interpret messages and how misunderstandings and conflicts can be avoided or resolved.

Communication Technology

The development of technologies like the internet, mobile phones, and social media has revolutionized communication. These technologies enable people to communicate in real-time across vast distances and have transformed both personal and professional exchanges of information.

Communication Barriers

There are many barriers that can impede communication, including language differences, cultural misunderstandings, emotions, biases, noise, and distractions. Overcoming these barriers is crucial for effective communication.


Communication is a multidimensional process that enables the exchange of information, thoughts, feelings, and ideas. It is present in all human interactions and has evolved with the development of languages, cultures, and technologies. Conscious and reflective communication can enhance understanding, strengthen relationships, and resolve conflicts.