Global Leadership ##Development##

Translating a theoretical value concept into everyday leadership practice for targeted competency development.

The transfer of values

Building ##competencies##

Translating leadership theories into guidelines and creating glossy brochures is often quickly done. However, the real challenge lies in practical implementation in everyday life. To tackle this task, Roche chose zweikern as a project partner for its locations in Switzerland, Germany, the USA, and Singapore.

Pharma Office
Varies from team to team

##Reflection## of theory at the team level

Values like transparency, appreciation, and presence are well-known in the corporate context, but they are interpreted differently. zweikern identified and understood these differences at the team level across the locations. By reflecting on the existing guidelines, personalized content was developed, which contributed to the creation of a feedback questionnaire.

Team reflektiert Entwicklungsfelder
New opportunities

##Analysis## of leadership using zweikern Analytics

Reflection is crucial for developing leadership competencies. zweikern Analytics conducted quarterly feedback surveys that included various hierarchy levels and evaluated leadership behavior.

Results were automatically calculated and pre-interpreted, providing leaders with real-time insights into their development areas. The regular surveys allowed for continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of the measures.

zweikern Analytics auf dem Tablet

I couldn’t have been more wrong

When I first met Andreas and Jonas from zweikern, I thought I was just getting another questionnaire tool presentation. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Collaborating with zweikern led to a comprehensive approach that was accepted by the entire location in the first round of feedback. More importantly, the results were not shelved afterward but triggered further feedback rounds and a series of group and 1-1 interactions, which were essentially accepted by about 90% of the employees, convincing 75% of them that their managers had become better leaders. To be clear: The work of becoming a better leader is still an individual task, but without zweikern, we wouldn’t be where we are now! In short, we were able to enhance positive leadership behavior in a meaningful and sustainable way in a short time with zweikern Analytics and the team from zweikern.

Referenz Zitat Ralf Eisenbrandt
Ralf Eisenbrandt
Former Site Head Small Molecules Basel | Roche, Switzerland
Professional Support

Follow-up and development of ##data maturity##

An analysis is only as good as the process that follows it. zweikern supported the development of leaders based on the survey results and facilitated competency building in handling the findings.

This enabled teams to independently implement development measures, which strengthened trust between hierarchies and interfaces.

Business Mann arbeitet am Computer

3000+ users are very satisfied

I have collaborated with zweikern over the last 3 years and used their tool to collect feedback for our leaders about their leadership behavior. The tool is simple and user-friendly in application yet sophisticated in its reporting capabilities. The partnership with zweikern is based on mutual trust. The team from zweikern is very professional and customer-oriented. They always go above and beyond in supporting their customers. 3000+ users are very satisfied with zweikern Analytics and the support.

Referenz Ashish Modi Roche
Ashish Modi
Operational Excellence | Genentech, USA

##Data## driven leadership development

Sustained leadership development requires more than just theory. Thanks to the partnership with zweikern, the development of leadership competencies was implemented in a practical way. Real-time analyses and continuous evaluations created an improvement process that was accepted and integrated into daily operations.

Are your leadership programs not working?

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zweikern analytics dashboard

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Sitzender Mann mit Laptop
Datengetriebenes Change Management
Team sitzt zusammen und arbeitet
Junge Frau meditiert
Astronaut rennt
Mikrowelle und dampfende Schüssel
Sitzender Mann mit Laptop
Datengetriebenes Change Management
Team sitzt zusammen und arbeitet
Junge Frau meditiert
Astronaut rennt
Mikrowelle und dampfende Schüssel
Zwei Männer geben sich die Hand
Zwei rennende Männer bei der Staffelübergabe
Frau, die auf ihre Uhr zeigt
Herz und Hirn umarmen sich
Eine Gruppe an Menschen steht nebeneinander als Team
Person zieht verängstigt die Arm zu Kopf
Zwei Männer geben sich die Hand
Zwei rennende Männer bei der Staffelübergabe
Frau, die auf ihre Uhr zeigt
Herz und Hirn umarmen sich
Eine Gruppe an Menschen steht nebeneinander als Team
Person zieht verängstigt die Arm zu Kopf
Mann mit Laptop nimmt an einer Befragung teil
Zwei Personen tragen VR Brille
Eine Gruppe an Menschen stehen nebeneinander
Mann am Laptop nimmt an Befragung Teil
Die Aufgaben von HR in der Digitalisierung
Selbstbewusste Frau hebt die Faust
Mann mit Laptop nimmt an einer Befragung teil
Zwei Personen tragen VR Brille
Eine Gruppe an Menschen stehen nebeneinander
Mann am Laptop nimmt an Befragung Teil
Die Aufgaben von HR in der Digitalisierung
Selbstbewusste Frau hebt die Faust