Healthy organization as goal

The Health ##Booster##

Combine cutting-edge technologies with expert consulting to promote a constructive approach to stress factors within organizations.

Improvement in employee health

Verbesserung der Unternehmensgesundheit durch datengestützte Gesundheitsprogramme

Gallup, 2020

Accelerated adaption of health measures

Datengestützte Prozesse können die Umsetzung und Anpassung von Gesundheitsmaßnahmen beschleunigen.

McKinsey, 2020

Increase in employee resilience

Die Verwendung von kontinuierlichem Gesundheitsmonitoring führt zu einer Verbesserung der Resilienz

Deloitte, 2020

Increase in employee satisfaction

Datenbasierte Ansätze können die Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit deutlich erhöhen.

PLOS ONE, 2021
Focus areas of the Health Booster

Sustained ##health culture##

With the zweikern Health Booster, you develop a digital health management system that promotes a preventive health culture, healthy working conditions, and strong workplace relationships.

Gehirn mit Technologie

Smart corporate health monitoring

Implement AI-supported risk analyses and keep track of acute stress factors.

Spiegel rund mit Reflexion

Progressive health awareness

Promote a health culture and a reflective organization that recognizes health and stress factors.

Personengruppe zu dritt

Individuality at the forefront

Use artificial intelligence to take into account individuals' perceptions.

Präzises Ableitung von Maßnahmen

Targeted and rapid relief

Identify areas for action in real time to implement effective measures where high stress levels are present.

The Health Booster portfolio

##Digital## health management

With the zweikern Health Booster, you replace slow risk assessments with continuous health monitoring to effectively and sustainably address acute stress factors.

Health Booster Auswertung von zweikern Analytics

Corporate health monitoring

With zweikern Analytics, you receive AI-supported health monitoring that efficiently implements surveys in corporate health management, processes the data, and directly interprets it.

Thanks to the minimal effort required to implement the system, you can immediately start conducting screenings without losing any valuable time.

Zeituhr mit Herzfrequenz
Efficient implementation

zweikern Analytics is ready to go without much effort

Künstliche Intelligenz mit Effekt
AI-supported health surveys

Smart support for creation and implementation

Lupe mir KI Sympol
Quickly gain important insights

Direct data processing and interpretation

Junger Mann arbeitet entspannt am Laptop

Anchoring a health culture

With the Health Booster, you actively involve leaders and teams in the design and implementation of health promotion measures.

Through zweikern Analytics, participants can create their own health profiles and set targeted priorities in joint workshops. zweikern supports your organization every step of the way to establish a sustainable health culture.

Mensch in Herzform
Personal and shared health profiles

Employees, managers and teams are given access

Workshop wird umgesetzt
Health workshops with the right focus

Processing current focal points from the screening

Handschlag zweier Hände
Active involvement and joint development

Effective measures through efficient integration of stakeholders

Besprechung im Team im Besprechungszimmer

Building an effective corporate health management

To optimally utilize the resources of your corporate health management, the zweikern Health Booster continuously provides you with the right impulses and focus areas for effective health measures.

Whether it's resilience, stress management, or other health factors: The Health Monitoring accompanies you throughout the year by actively developing your organizational health.

Fokus Icon
Setting the right priorities

Smart evaluation of results and derivation of actions

Device mit Analytics
Health management with real data expertise

Long-term screening for an overall data-based picture

Übersetzung Icon
Valuable translation for every project

Applicable skills for all change projects in your organization

Kollegen unterhalten sich mit Kaffee in der Hand

Development of health competence

Through continuous and effective impulses, the topic of health remains present while essential skills for promoting healthy behaviors and processes are developed.

Ongoing monitoring highlights developments and makes the effectiveness of health initiatives visible to teams and the entire organization.

Schild mit Kreuz
Promotion of healthy behaviors and processes

Important skills for building a healthy working environment

Transparent development results

Show progress and make successes visible

Herz im Fokus
Sustained strengthening of health competence

Continuous work on organizational health

We should talk about ##health##

Talk to our experts about organizational health in your company with no obligation.

Free initial consultation

Book your desired appointment in just a few seconds to discuss the challenges in your company.

24/7 Support

We’re happy to assist you in using zweikern Analytics.
zweikern analytics dashboard

Don't miss a thing

Receive new specialist knowledge on the topics of leadership, communication and personal development every week.
Sitzender Mann mit Laptop
Datengetriebenes Change Management
Team sitzt zusammen und arbeitet
Junge Frau meditiert
Astronaut rennt
Mikrowelle und dampfende Schüssel
Sitzender Mann mit Laptop
Datengetriebenes Change Management
Team sitzt zusammen und arbeitet
Junge Frau meditiert
Astronaut rennt
Mikrowelle und dampfende Schüssel
Zwei Männer geben sich die Hand
Zwei rennende Männer bei der Staffelübergabe
Frau, die auf ihre Uhr zeigt
Herz und Hirn umarmen sich
Eine Gruppe an Menschen steht nebeneinander als Team
Person zieht verängstigt die Arm zu Kopf
Zwei Männer geben sich die Hand
Zwei rennende Männer bei der Staffelübergabe
Frau, die auf ihre Uhr zeigt
Herz und Hirn umarmen sich
Eine Gruppe an Menschen steht nebeneinander als Team
Person zieht verängstigt die Arm zu Kopf
Mann mit Laptop nimmt an einer Befragung teil
Zwei Personen tragen VR Brille
Eine Gruppe an Menschen stehen nebeneinander
Mann am Laptop nimmt an Befragung Teil
Die Aufgaben von HR in der Digitalisierung
Selbstbewusste Frau hebt die Faust
Mann mit Laptop nimmt an einer Befragung teil
Zwei Personen tragen VR Brille
Eine Gruppe an Menschen stehen nebeneinander
Mann am Laptop nimmt an Befragung Teil
Die Aufgaben von HR in der Digitalisierung
Selbstbewusste Frau hebt die Faust
Here is why you should work with zweikern

Because ##organizational health## can do more

With the zweikern Health Booster, you receive digital and comprehensive support for your workplace health management initiatives. Innovative AI analyses and continuous monitoring promote a preventive and resilient health culture.

Hand hält Herz

Establishing a preventive and resilient health culture

Herzfrequenz und Puls

Efficient and continuous health monitoring

Buch mit Puls

Long-term health development through continuous impulses and learning phases

##Frequently asked## questions

How can we help today?

  • Personal advice
  • zweikern Analytics Demo