Effective and efficient team development

The Team ##Catalyst##

Maximize team performance through clear roles, skills development, and strong collaboration based on measurable goals.

Increase in team performance

Datenbasierte Team-Trainings führen zu einer Verbesserung der Teamperformance.


Improvement in target achievement and measures

Die Nutzung datengestützter Prozesse kann die Zielerreichung verbessern und Maßnahmenqualität signifikant steigern.


Increase in employee commitment

Datengestützte Ansätze für Feedback erhöhen die Bindung der Mitarbeitenden.

Gallup, 2022

Improvement in adaptability of teams

Gezielte datenbasierte Interventionen verbessern die Anpassungsfähigkeit von Teams.

BioMed Central
Focus areas of Team Catalyst

Increase in team ##performance##

In order to sustainably increase team success, the zweikern Team Catalyst focuses on people and tasks as well as individual and collective approaches to specifically improve performance.

Pfeil mit Zielscheibe

Comprehensible goals

Implement goals that have a direct impact on team performance and inspire teams.


Dynamic development

Create the necessary dynamics in teams for innovation and joint development work.

Drei Personen nebeneinander

Smart team profiles

Analyze the existing personalities, challenges and needs in the teams.

Händeschlag zweier Hände

People competence

Promote interpersonal skills and create a culture of collaboration to increase team performance.

The Team Catalyst portfolio

Team development for maximum ##performance##

Master team complexity by focusing on individual development and the whole team to strengthen relationships, roles and performance.

zweikern Analytics auf dunklem Schreibtisch

Smart team screening

With zweikern Analytics, you can analyze the composition of personalities, needs and current potential in your teams. 

On this basis, common areas of action and requirements can be specifically identified and addressed.

zwei Personen mit Stern
Comprehensive team profile

Composition of personalities, needs and potentials

Herzfrequenz Puls
Analysis of the areas of action

AI-supported interpretation of the team results

Hand hält Glühbirne
Basis for a common objective

Smart identification of possible areas of action and challenges

Führungskraft legt Ziele fest

Inspiring team goals

Experience teams that develop goals based on their prerequisites that are more than just plans. With the zweikern Team Catalyst, team goals are created that have a lasting impact on daily interaction and joint performance.

In order to keep the goals in focus, teams regularly analyze and evaluate their goals and measures together with external feedback providers.

Sternpokal für Erfolg
Team goals with a noticeable impact

Fit from external requirements and team potential

Stift und Lineal
Holistic design

Consideration of individual and collective requirements

Fokus im Zentrum
Goals always in focus

Focus on accessibility, measurability and a clear roadmap

Kleiner Workshop im Team

Continuous team development

Development requires continuous commitment. The zweikern Team Catalyst not only supports your teams in setting common goals, but also in successfully achieving them.

zweikern uses proven psychological methods such as team coaching, training, workshops and effective conflict resolution to strengthen your teams in the long term.

Handshake solid
Focused support for team success

Consulting where it is really needed

Zeit für Maßnahmen
The right methods at the right time

Team support on the basis of regular check-ins

Treppe nach oben mit Pfeil
Competent support in all phases

The right methods for current challenges

Kleiner Workshop eines Teams

Building long-term team skills

Permanent support is neither efficient nor sustainable. For this reason, zweikern focuses on the simultaneous training of relevant social, psychological and performance-based skills during the implementation of Team Catalyst.

As the composition of teams in today's working world is not always stable, team restructuring can be compensated for quickly and effectively.

Integration und Transfer
Built-up skills are retained

Long-term improvement of team skills in the organization

Trophäe mir Griffen
Focused support to ensure team success

Increased change readiness and resilience in teams

Regelmäßige Updates
Faster and better onboarding

New employees are integrated faster and better

Full speed ##ahead##

Let's talk about how to unleash the full potential of your teams

Free initial consultation

Book your desired appointment in just a few seconds to discuss the challenges in your company.

24/7 Support

We’re happy to assist you in using zweikern Analytics.
zweikern analytics dashboard

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Receive new specialist knowledge on the topics of leadership, communication and personal development every week.
Sitzender Mann mit Laptop
Datengetriebenes Change Management
Team sitzt zusammen und arbeitet
Junge Frau meditiert
Astronaut rennt
Mikrowelle und dampfende Schüssel
Sitzender Mann mit Laptop
Datengetriebenes Change Management
Team sitzt zusammen und arbeitet
Junge Frau meditiert
Astronaut rennt
Mikrowelle und dampfende Schüssel
Zwei Männer geben sich die Hand
Zwei rennende Männer bei der Staffelübergabe
Frau, die auf ihre Uhr zeigt
Herz und Hirn umarmen sich
Eine Gruppe an Menschen steht nebeneinander als Team
Person zieht verängstigt die Arm zu Kopf
Zwei Männer geben sich die Hand
Zwei rennende Männer bei der Staffelübergabe
Frau, die auf ihre Uhr zeigt
Herz und Hirn umarmen sich
Eine Gruppe an Menschen steht nebeneinander als Team
Person zieht verängstigt die Arm zu Kopf
Mann mit Laptop nimmt an einer Befragung teil
Zwei Personen tragen VR Brille
Eine Gruppe an Menschen stehen nebeneinander
Mann am Laptop nimmt an Befragung Teil
Die Aufgaben von HR in der Digitalisierung
Selbstbewusste Frau hebt die Faust
Mann mit Laptop nimmt an einer Befragung teil
Zwei Personen tragen VR Brille
Eine Gruppe an Menschen stehen nebeneinander
Mann am Laptop nimmt an Befragung Teil
Die Aufgaben von HR in der Digitalisierung
Selbstbewusste Frau hebt die Faust
Here Is why you should work with zweikern

Team success is ##company success##

The team level is crucial for individual and collective performance. A successful team actively contributes to the company's success. With the zweikern Team Catalyst, you create the foundations and specifically promote team development.


Increase in target achievement, development of potential, healthy team climate

Monitoring Chart

Success tracking and continuous team development

zwei Herzen übereinander

Employee retention, performance enhancement and contribution to the company's success

##Frequently asked## questions

How can we help today?

  • Personal advice
  • zweikern Analytics Demo